UBC LIFE      
April 28, 2024


Worship 8:30
Sunday School          9:45
Worship                   11:00 

COVENANT GROUP MEETING- Tonight is the fourth and final meeting of our Spring Covenant Groups. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the special time of connecting with fellow disciples and diving deep into the word!

FOSTER FAMILY OUTREACH- UBC has partnered with the Care Portal to help foster families by providing an essential items kit. We are currently collecting hygiene essentials (please see reverse side for a list of suggested items). Donations can be left in the black cabinet at the end of the main hallway. Thank you for enabling us to reach out to our community!

GRADUATION PARTY- The Timmons would like to invite UBC members to Clara Timmons’ graduation party. The party will be come and go on May 5 from 2:00-4:00 in the fellowship hall.

CAMP REMINDER- Camp time is coming up soon! Cross Timbers will be June 11-14. For questions, please see Kara Fuller. Youth Generate will be June 17-21. For questions, please see Linsey Brown.

VBS REQUEST- Please start saving the following things for VBS prep and decoration: paper towel rolls (cardboard portion), empty large oats container, and pool noodles. The items may be dropped off in the preschool area.

May 5: Children’s Choir & Handbells @ 11:00 Service
May 12: Mother’s Day
May 19: Senior Recognition @ 11:00 Service
May 21: Shawnee Schools Last Day
May 22: Last night of Wednesday children’s activities
June 2: Together Services begin for the summer
June 3-6: Vacation Bible School
June 11-14: Cross Timbers Camp
June 17-21: Youth Generate Camp

Abby Wade

Pastor: Justin Dunn
Youth Director: Linsey Brown
Preschool Director: Channing Seikel
Childrens Director: Kara Fuller
Admin Assistant: Madison Jones
Minister of Worship & Music/Organist: Jim Vernon
Pianist: Lisa Schutten
Worship Leaders: Carrie Myles & Canaan Crane