The Lenten Journey Day 41

Today’s reading is a combined effort of writings from Christian reformer Toyohiko Kagawa and missionary from India named Sadhu Sundar Singh. Both write about the blood of Jesus. Kagawa from the comparative perspective of blood’s restorative work in the human body and the restorative work of Christ’s blood shed on the cross. Singh speaks more directly about the spiritual blood and it’s complete work not just in the forgiveness of sins, but the restoration of the full, righteous life for which we were intended.

I’ve always been a bit squeamish about talking about the blood of Jesus. I am turned off by horror movies and sensationalized tales of the blood rituals and sacrificial ceremonies. When I accepted Christ, had I had to be a part of anything with real blood present I am quite sure that I would not have participated in the least.

Christ’s blood was really given, his earthly life was brought to an abrupt and excruciating end. The purpose in His pain was to unleash His love to all humanity and as both writers say to offer redemption for what is lost. So, the invitation is not to a bloody ceremony but a surrender to love unleashed and life given. This cannot be fully accepted in a stroll down the sanctuary aisle. It is a lifetime walk out of sin into life. As Sing writes, “Indeed, he came to us for this very purpose.”